
Sunday Buddhist Worship Services

10am at the Temple On Pleasant Ridge Rd. Arlington

Assisted by Venerable Subhuti

ZOOM Religious Meetings Online

Wednesday 7pm - 9pm(CST)

We meet Wednesday evenings for online religious services.

Dhamma Services with Ambedkar Buddhist Association of Texas

Second Sunday of Every Month or as Requested.

Buddhist religious worship services, consisting of paying homage to the Triple Gems: the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Sangha; childrens story time; meditation; and question and answer time.

During the weekdays Venerable Subhuti is available for grief counseling, hospice visitation, officiate weddings ceremonies, house blessing ceremonies, pets blessings, birth Christening, meditation sessions, and funeral services. 

Venerable Subhuti can be reached at:

[email protected]

