Statement of Faith

Buddhism is a 2,600 year old religion that has spread peacefully throughout the world.
Buddhist universal creed or its tenets of faith are practiced in many cultures and denominational forms and are as follows:

  • We take refuge in the Triple Gem, or Three Treasures: The Buddha (the historical Buddha), The Dhamma (the truth and teachings of the Buddha), and The Sangha (community of Buddhist Monks, Nuns and lay men and women followers).
  • We venerate and follow The Buddha as our ultimate teacher and Religious guide. The Buddha is respected and honored as one of  the greatest teachers in history who attained enlightenment.
  • We subscribe to and practice the core teachings of The Buddha, such as the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path and the profound teachings found in the Buddhist Pali canon.
  • We cultivate ethical and moral conduct as we aspire to guide our lives in accordance with the Precepts of wholesome thought and action.
  • We exercise various practices of meditation or introspection methods of cultivating Religious insight, realization, wisdom, and compassion.
  • Our mission is to spread the Buddha’s Dhamma. As such, our church believes in teaching the Four Noble Truths and helping individuals live the Noble Eightfold Path. The Four Noble Truths relate to the suffering that humans endure. The Noble Eight Path describes the way to the end of that suffering. 

Regular order of what takes place at

  • Buddhist worship consists of paying homage to the Buddha and reflecting on his teachings of the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path through prayer, meditation, and discussion.
  • When entering a shrine hall we bow three times in front of the Buddha to show our respect and gratitude for his teachings. We follow this action with prayers/chanting hymns that also pay homage to the Buddha, the Dhamma (his teachings) and the Sangha (the community of monks and nuns). A monk then leads the group into prayers/chantings
  • The monk follows with a discourse that compliments the particular meditation he has chosen. 
  • Questions to the monk are encouraged following each service and sermons as a way to solidify the teachings and understanding of the Buddha’s doctrines, followed by closing prayers/hymms.

The Corporation 5305 Hidden Oaks Lane Arlington, Texas has a code of discipline called  the Buddhist Monastic Discipline, which is the code of ethical conduct and etiquette for monks, nuns and lay people. The Buddha formulated this monastic code during his lifetime, and it has since come to be known as the vinaya within the Buddhist community

The services are open to the public and are posted on our website but because of  the covid 19 virus we have started services on zoom conference meetings as a safe alternative to those who wish to participate remotely. We do encourage meetings at our location for those who wish to attend in person.

                  The services are generally conducted at the Monks Residence ie. 5305 Hidden Oaks Lane Arlington, Tx. Once a month our services are held at the residences of our followers and newcomers of different faiths are invited to participate. 

                  Pastor The Venerable Subhuti representing  participates and offers prayers and spiritual reflections in person and over the zoom meetings for the Arlington Police. This volunteer programme is known as Arlington Police and Clergy partnership.  

Due to the covid 19 virus travels to large gatherings of followers have been suspended and will resume as soon as conditions improve.