
Dhammas church newsletter

Living by faith love and hope

Winter 2020

Blessed new year to y’all. 

Our New Year’s resolution 

Let us replace acts like jealousy, hate, revenge, and greed with acts of love, care, and kindness

Let us turn in the direction of Peace, Happiness and Enlightenment.

Doing good is good for you…..Volunteer !

As 10,000 Americans turn 65 daily, they are redefining what it means to reach this aging milestone. Some are delaying retirement. But whether they are working or not, many are embracing opportunities to contribute in new ways by volunteering, sharing a lifetime of knowledge and experience to improve the lives of people in their communities. Volunteering not only benefits Society, research shows it can also pay big dividends in better Health as you age. 

2 hours of volunteering a week or about 96 hours per year one can experience improved mental, emotional and physical health – benefits that many older volunteers are reaping because, on average they contribute almost twice as many hours as other age groups.

Volunteering can help to reduce depression, lessen chronic pain and give your brain a boost. You can even live longer! See for info on volunteering.

Excerpt from Seniorific news. 

Annual Board meeting

Our annual board meeting was held in january 2020.

We reviewed our organizations’ previous year’s achievements, and did not elect any new board members at this time. There is nothing to disclose for account information at this time. We restated our articles of formation and will submit it to the local state department.

Religious work  Jan/ feb 2020  

1. Ven. Subhuti has been invited to the men’s conference at the Hills mega church 

2. He has started  jail ministries for the Arlington Police department.

3. Vitas Healthcare has requested Ven. Subhuti to volunteer for Hospice.

4. Ambedkak Buddhist society of Texas has invited Ven.Subhuti to continue giving religious sermons, and he will continue with online class at the Barrington library.

Our church

Find out more about our church,what we believe, what are our core values.

The gift of Truth excels all other gifts,

The taste beyond sweetness,

The joy beyond joy,  

The end of desire is the end of sorrow.